it's my goal to walk down every street in new york before i die. whenever i have an hour so to kill i go walk in a direction i haven't been in and go see some new stuff! feeds the mind and soul and most importantly the feet!
Feb 1, 2024

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drive to ur favorite street (or walk there if it abets itself to such) and walk the length on both sides. if financials allow stop for a reward treat/drink/item along the way! tbh i love how this both enriches ur connection to ur city and gets u outside when the weather is nice and also could be a good excuse to try new places and things! i went for a drink special at my favorite cocktail bar and it didn’t disappoint
Jul 3, 2024
This is my #1 absolute all time favorite activity. If you have approximately 2 hours (ideally in early fall or early spring) with nothing in particular to do, take a walk around the city with no destination in mind and see what happens. Maybe you’ll make eye contact for a moment with an attractive person in the crosswalk on 17th and 3rd and see your entire lifetime together flash before your eyes. Or you could catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of a Chase bank and remember that you are indeed a person who is alive and on planet earth. Maybe you get an overpriced coffee for some human interaction, drink 2 sips and throw it out while feeling bad about yourself. However you choose to spend that time, it’s yours to waste, and a way to experience the city without the errands and dramas one usually faces in New York. And it’s a great way to hyperfixate on a guilty pleasure song. Recommended tracks for this activity: “Bittersweet Symphony” by the Verve or “I Had a Dream That You Were Mine” by Hamilton Leithauser and Rostam.
Dec 29, 2022
Turning off my phone and just walking around by intuition has led to some of the most memorable moments and organic interactions in my life. It helps to bring a camera to make you look busy.
Jan 24, 2024

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