drive to ur favorite street (or walk there if it abets itself to such) and walk the length on both sides. if financials allow stop for a reward treat/drink/item along the way! tbh i love how this both enriches ur connection to ur city and gets u outside when the weather is nice and also could be a good excuse to try new places and things! i went for a drink special at my favorite cocktail bar and it didn’t disappoint
Jul 3, 2024

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it's my goal to walk down every street in new york before i die. whenever i have an hour so to kill i go walk in a direction i haven't been in and go see some new stuff! feeds the mind and soul and most importantly the feet!
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If you have a dog, walk them! If not, walk anyway! I have found my whole life that walking is the best way to feed my mind, body, and soul simultaneously… and to see and discover any new city. I travel a lot with my films, and sometimes I clock in 13 miles in a day… On any day at home,  it’s a sacred time, as the sun sets and we walk our dogs. But if I can take care of phone calls, listen to podcasts, do Zooms and catch up with my partner and friends while moving my feet down the street, waving at neighbors and taking in the natural beauty that is waiting to be discovered around every corner - I will choose that any day. Wandering around a city is also our favorite way to experience any city in the world.
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therapy is expensive but this has the low investment cost of $15
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endlessly versatile delight to both satisfy your actual productivity needs and also iPad baby game brain good apps include -photoshop for drawing (i just made my first show poster with it thank u driftwould for ur yoda guidance) -notability for noting and journaling - Sofa for categorizing and cataloguing things you’d like to do in your downtime, like games, movies, books, apps, etc. i like having them all in one place instead of in letterboxd and various others -ur fav gotcha game of choice provided you spend no $$ on it
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i am only funny some of the time i need to be able to bank my content 😭😭😭it never loads for me
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