Pack the walls. All that white space of a gallery wall ? That’s what the kids call aura farming. No good. All art galleries should be cramming the walls. They should all also have weird chairs and couches. And serve coffee and cocktails and beer. And pre rolls. At least 1 cat should be roaming around. There should be a chess board and a pong table as well. Every guest who walks in gets to add 1 song to the que. The gallery should be using part of their funds to pay someone weird and well-read to hang out and say things. If possible, there should be a sky light
We did it kids… I’ve said before that I like to take my time to let my decor shape itself. Wall art is coming eventually but for now my office is a beautiful multi-functional workspace, creative studio, and guest bedroom
If you center it around a mirror then you can look in the mirror and be reminded of who you are literally and spiritually and it’s on a door not a wall which is tres chic