Start with noticing/acknowledging things that trigger you, or other actions where someone would say you are acting like a child. This is where the connections are/can start.
When you begin to see when it first HAPPENED and why, “little You” will be able to let go so you can be the true boss of “the now”.
If you are noticing this is an important change for your life, You must show them that you can and will handle it from now on (with the tools & perspective you have gained) or they will continue to take charge as autopilot.
This is the SERIOUS shadow work side to healing your inner child,
there are also other fun and explorative parts where you can explore your energy!
I have mini live sessions on TikTok, I also do coaching sessions that are 1hr. If you follow the link you will find all my offerings. I can share techniques tailored to your unique energy 🩵