i have learned to play guitar, code, and change my car headlights on this site. i owe it my life
Feb 3, 2024

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dead serious you can learn fucking anything on there if you want to enough
Today i got a flat tire and had to put my spare on. I pulled into a grocery store parking lot and got the job done. A few people came over to offer help, one guy had an impact drill so helped me tighten the bolts, but i felt confident that i knew what i was doing. I don’t think most people would look at me and think “yeah i bet she can change a tire in that outfit.” but i did it. It feels good to know how to do stuff. I like being able to do silly little tasks around my apartment, or change my own oil, or make a creme brulee. I’m learning french. I can mend my clothes. It feels like im just bragging but truly i feel so accomplished and grown up when i can fix small problems by myself. May this be your motivation to watch a how-to YouTube video today. Or ask someone you love to teach you how to do something that might come in handy one day.
Feb 23, 2025
It’s so possible to learn on yr own!! I think that balance is nice if you can afford it. A teacher can help u interrupt poor technique that could slow u down or hurt yr body. the way i learned to fingerpick and travis pick uses some silly techniques that now slow me down when doing more technical things, and relearning has been v slow. Being self led let me have independence and explore the joy of guitar by myself without getting bogged down by boring beginner stuff. I loved just playing cool shit through sheer willpower in my basement. The internet has EVERYTHING u need to learn how to play guitar and u can definitely do it. there are threads to learn techniques, get feedback and eventually you’ll also learn from yr jam buddies :) working with a teacher meant i could tab out all my fav obscure songs that don’t have tabs available online, keep me accountable to practicing and he pushed me to learn “boring” things like music theory in a way that is so much fun! but not necessary at all. i was self taught for 6 years before i went to a teacher :)

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that first bite of the almond croissant and the weight of the week disappears
Jan 25, 2024
i did this and he said to me “I make hot chip challenge videos on youtube” so great to ask strangers about their creative endeavors
Feb 3, 2024