A job, a crush, a hobby, and ex, a friend, a hyperfixation. Who cares, just LOCK IN. Commit to something and spend at least a day focused on and grinding like a boss. Even if you don’t complete anything will feel good
Whether it’s something actually productive or a deep internet rabbit hole, sometimes you just gotta give yourself over to the task at hand and enjoy the ecstasy of deep focus. We’re locked in now.
to anything. to your art project. to the movie you’re watching. to going to the bathroom. to a leisurely park walk. just actively select a thing to do and intentionally focus your whole attention on it
It bums me out whenever someone's trying to say something but cuts themselves off or says "nevermind" because they assume that they're wasting time. Think it through, or let it come back to you. 3 years ago, I started saying, "Talk through the thought" with my friend, and I think it's made me more patient, and I've ended up hearing/saying some cool shit (or at least some funny shit) that I would've probably missed out on otherwise.