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I was at the bar and my friend was telling me about this girl that her friend had a crush on and the description sounded vaguely familiar so I asked them to show me her Instagram and she pulled it up and put it on the table. I scrolled through to find a good picture and said “yes I do know her she’s-…right there” and I looked up and she was running towards me and I screamed her name and we hugged and made a huge scene. Definitely not slick wingman wise but I couldn’t help it because of how much of a coincidence it was. This girl was constantly on tour up and down the east coast and never in town really so we barely saw each other but always had a good time whenever we did. It was so random and felt cosmic. I introduced her to my friends and she hung out for a bit. Someone’s far away, “unattainable” Instagram crush popping up at the table, as soon shes brought up. It was so cool, I’ll never forget it.
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New follower? OOP! Does that men we're getting married? You re-rec'd me? You want me so bad let's make out. The baddies wanna be mutuals? What if I cum about it? Much to consider... PI.FYI dating-app mode when???
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