hear me out... i dont like working out in the regular style i.e. running on a treadmill and doing lunges because i'm bad at that and i get bored. a few years ago i started Lifting lifting like powerlifting style but i don't eat enough to actually powerlift so all i end up doing is like 250lb deadlifts. it's not that much. but it makes you feel like you can punch through a wall
Feb 4, 2024

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I won't blather on about all the physical, hormonal, empirical benefits that I'm sure we've all been informed of ad nauseum. I think lifting allows for a firsthand encounter with the suffering that's inherent to living, the suffering that the more sensitive among us can't help but metabolize as depression or despair. Lifting weights is not pleasurable in the traditional sense; you are literally tearing your muscles apart. It's taxing, it's exhausting, and when you go to failure you're gracelessly reminded of your limitations, of your mortality. In fact, the only way to grow stronger is to go to failure— it’s absolutely necessary that you must confront your own weakness regularly. But this encounter is incredibly important, it makes something previously nebulous and overwhelming and undefinable real, measurable, and extremely importantly, in your control. And this suffering with time transforms into growth, strength, beauty. When everything's said and done, I think that's the best you can hope to make of the sorrow that's essential to life. It's not for everyone, but it's brought me a surprising amount of peace.
Nov 25, 2024
I got into weight lifting for the same reason I get into most things, which is pure unbridled vanity. I read or heard somewhere in my many biohacker information channels that weight lifting is the most anti-aging form of exercise, especially for women, and so I was like on my way! I wasn’t about to pay some community college bro $100 an hour at my LA Fitness to train me though so I just googled “weight lifting classes near me” and because I live a charmed and bless life I found the fucking coolest independent gym like a mile from my house and have been going there for almost a year. Vanity aside, it just makes you feel so good all the time. I love watching myself get stronger and I love the feeling after you lift something really heavy you thought you could never have lifted and I love all the neighborhood friends I’ve made there, including former PI subject and possibly coolest girl alive Petra Cortright. (Honestly a large part of my social life takes place there?) Anyway everyone over 30 should lift weights, preserve your waning muscle mass and build up your self-esteem babe.
Oct 20, 2023
Get some adjustable dumbbells for your house. Bent rows, shoulder raises, curls squats, overhead presses. Do it for the dopamine. Go.
Jul 14, 2022

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time frame's approximate buuuut you know it when you hear it. think "poker face". there is so much space and everything's so dry... there is no lushness... the drum samples are unbelievably flat... and yet! and yet! it works so well! the economy of production makes any pop singer's vocals soar even higher than they would otherwise, and really pares the machine of a pop song down to its bare necessities... which is why i think we got so many bangers in this period. there's a lot of good stuff to get into even if it's just for nostalgia
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im unemployed and in art school at 30. it's never too late to not do marketing
Feb 8, 2024
tbf i'm still working on this but: many ppl have the tendency to like, put themselves out in the world with an attached asterisk like "oop! sorry i exist! oop! sorry if you don't like me, i'm working on being the universally beloved human object! oop!" and thusly pre-apologize for every mildly annoying or perceptually uncouth action they will ever take. none of that shit. assuming one is regular and not trying to like, destroy the lives of everyone around themselves, one does not need to constantly explain and apologize for their actions. trust people to tell you if you suck, because They Will. same goes for art obvs. don't apologize just make it and if people think it sucks they'll tell you.
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