People say it's only fun to ride your bike when it's warm out, but I disagree. The best thing about winter is being able to night ride. Whizzing home from work or the function bumping some energetic yet nostalgic music and just being with my thoughts and digesting the day's experiences.
1000_kisses hit me up to ride today and sure, it’s cold, and sure, we spent half the time in the bike shop and the other half eating poutine, but it was lovely 👍
The air smells great and the views are beautiful. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a perfect sunny day or really overcast. Do It on your own or with friends or as a date. Stop at cool shops/places along the way.
Some people like to go fast but I prefer to go kinda slow and take everything in. you’ll definitely need a nice beverage in your cup holder like a coffee or a kombucha. My European friend really recommends drinking radlers, which are like lagers mixed with lemonade.