I've been thinking about my spine a lot recently. This past couple of weeks I've been trying to integrate a number of habits into my daily life that will decompress my lower back in some way or another. Having a decompressed lower back makes your posture better, which in turn makes you look both taller & thinner; consequently more trustworthy, intelligent, & in every sense of the word, upstanding. I started with dead hangs from my pullup bar. An unforseen & welcome development was that my shoulder, which I injured three years ago (got white claw drunk with my father & started chasing him around the house [I got too hyper & started doing pullups like a monkey & felt my shoulder pop {it's retained an annoying "click" ever since}]) has been clicking less. Since then, I've also taken to lying on the ground for several minutes at a time. I enjoy doing this very much, and if I had the time in my day I'd do it for much longer, probably hours. Sound, like heat seems to rise and it's invariably always much cooler & quieter on the ground. You can see your thoughts floating above you with much more clarity. It's a good thing to do when alone, but even in the presence of company I've found it to make me much more sociable, pleasant, funny, and good natured. I've noticed that people are much more deferential to what I have to say when I'm totally supine & when I'm addressing the ceiling.