Still thinking about this documentary which eeyore and I saw a few months ago in theaters. From the legendary documentarian Frederick Wiseman (who is 94 years old), is a beautiful 4 hour behind the scenes glimpse into on the inner workings of a 3 Michelin star restaurant owned by the Troisgois family. Located in the idyllic countryside of central France, Wiseman chronicles the dynamics between the family; from father Michel and sons Cesar and Leo deciding on the finest details of the placement of gold foil on a dish, to the procurement of produce and meats from local producers, and the elite processes of their prep and service. The documentary is hilarious at times, with a server setting the table and adjusting the fork probably 6 times, it does not hide the absurdity of this level of fine dining. There is no music, naaration or on screen text, which makes you really feel like you are a fly on the wall, but it is never boring. While I know I will probably never be able to afford this type of meal, this film was beautiful to watch and was a great look into the artistry and insane obsessive passion that people have for food, cooking and service.
recommendation image
Feb 5, 2024

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I love food. I love love. And I love movies that are about food making people fall in love. This movie was right up my alley; it really fucked me up. Juliette Binoche is one of the hottest women in the world. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it, cry, fall in love, tell all your friends. I think it’s one of the most underrated movies of the year.
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French movie that is equal parts food porn and beautiful romance, and Juliette Binoche looks amazing
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ok perhaps hot take but I like the no video aspect, clips are helpful sometimes but I think if videos are introduced it would kinda feel like all the other apps also u are doing great👍🏼🫡
Feb 13, 2024
winter - sweet oranges, persimmon etc summer - big heirloom tomato and sprinkle of salt, watermelon, stone fruit no need to worry about the mess bc u just wash it right away! someone or maybe the internet recommended eating a cold orange or other citrus in a hot shower and I can confirm that is also a great sensory experience
Feb 26, 2024