this was partially my first rec. It’s the supplements (and now medication) I take in the morning, and now into the afternoon and evening. it’s my elixir that keeps me calm+energized, somehow.
Morning: L-theanine first. 5-HTP after breakfast, along with biotin for hair growth and, finally, between days 14-28 of my menstrual cycle: fluoxetine. (For pms if that isn’t clear)
Afternoon; magnesium citrate gummy (two) that i got from the grocery store near my house. The only other place I found them was at erewhon?? So obvi had to cop if not just for the reminder of home (lol).
Evening: hour before bed I take a magnesium pill. it gets me sooo ready for sleep. Sometimes I just do this but other times I’ll also take two valerian capsules, which help a lot with sleep but it doesn’t have melatonin in it which is ideal.
This may seem crazy/a lot but that’s what post grad life is like babe 😆😆 , and it’s helping w this transition 🙈🙈