It's an interesting irony that with using a better iphone camera, I was afraid the better quality would magnify x100 my flaws like pores and skin imperfections. But your good features also show up even more clearly - even if your (muscle) memory is still trained from acne ridden years of family, and self-rejection.
And the other funny thing is that I was thinking, because I never felt like, you know, happy, happy, but it's not that kind of happy. It's more like before, if I could get better, more money, better health, look thinner, or look better, or get a better job, have someone, you know, you love, who loves you, that will make you happy. But actually it's not like that at all. It's like I had to go through these quite horrific mentally and emotionally wrecking years and thank God finally got rid of a terrible toxic narcassist, and I realized happiness is actually someone not stealing you from you, not poisoning you, your life, not dragging you into their chaos (but blaming you, telling you you are TOO this and not enough that!!) That's happiness. It's actually a strange revelation. I mean, it's not so strange after you realize it, but before and after, that's what people think it is, is happiness is not what we expect it to be. The middle is real shit though. And I still don't know what tomorrow will bring. But God.