11:11 make a wish etc etc It fucking works. I couldn’t figure out what *one* wish to think of every time an Angel number happened. For a while. And my boyfriend always always always knows what he’s gonna wish for. One day amongst desperation, I chose one. I’m not telling, but since my dedication to the wish, it’s started to feel like it’s coming true 🥲🥂 (granted, of course, I’m definitely someone who can lean into this sort of thing… woo woo or whatever) cheers xo
Feb 7, 2024

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after having an ovarian cyst for a while and finding out 4 months later that THATS why I was feeling deranged and horrible all the time I can’t get this thought (truth) out of my head — hormones are kind of everything! period cycles interest me so much now in a way they didn’t before bc I can clearly see the effects of them on our psyches/energy. for example I can always tell when a friend of mine is ovulating or PMSing. now I’m 24/7 yapping about menstruation/women’s health to all my friends.. or anyone who will listen really. mind-body connection fr fr OUT: thinking that asking about periods is rude; men Tiptoeing around the subject of periods; discounting what hormones do to our bodies and minds !!!!
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I liked finding out that this is a word/thing cuz I totally relate. I just love (going to or hosting) events (apartment housewarmings, dj sets, dinners, breakfasts, movie nights, whatever it may be..). if it's a thing that's happening and I'm with/inviting friends, it's An Event idc!
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