- Lots of room for skill gap. While you'll certainly play people who are better than you, you have to win less games than them to win a match - Guy named Spanky (73y/o) who fucks with me apparently. he unplugs from his O2 tank to play his games. he might not be in your league but this is a type of guy you'll meet - You can set your own name in the APA app (mine is Snoopy Dunphy): i played against "wolverine walsh" last week and "spider-man lynch" was on the other team this week - The league operator gives out patches for accomplishments (good sportsmanship, beat the league op. in a game, etc) - Most people I've dealt with there are friendly - Dues are pretty reasonable ($25 to join, $10 per session you play in) - You get to go to new bars and neighborhoods you haven't been to before It'll feel like a hard commit at first but it's worth it especially if you do it with your friends -
Feb 8, 2024

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