if you have a local coffee shop, go there and don’t drive to a starbucks or dunkin
get a library card
befriend your neighbors
get plugged into the goings on of your town or city
repeat local legends
become friendly with your favorite store’s employees
read in your local park
patronize your local artists
the way to plant roots is to stay in the same place for as long as possible! you don’t get that by driving out of town for every meal and beverage and thing you want
Not in a like “change politics/volunteer” way but in a like ”people know me at the bar/coffee shop” / “i run into people at the park every time I️ go” way
Not only can you find gorgeous food or unique trinkets while supporting locals but you can surprisingly make friends.
Small talk can lead you anywhere !!
Talking to the workers and people, becoming a regular visitor and making that stop consistently really makes a difference to your experience.
plus you become less like a tourist and more like ‘just a person from somewhere’.