It’s sick to call stuff gnarly. Rad is also kinda in the same genre of words. I’m not a skater so idk if I’m allowed to use these words or not but I do anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
god i am so bad at skateboarding but i continue to do it because it’s so dang fun. i’ve got several scars from eating shit and tons of stickers on my board that i’ve collected over the last 5 years. here’s to more falling on my ass!
despite being immersed in Bay Area skate punk culture (music/shows mostly) since the age of 16 I actually haven’t done it until now. wiping out on a hill sucks but I sort of get the adrenaline now
The story follows a detective investigating a string of gruesome murders where an X is carved into the neck of each victim, and the murderer is found near the victim of each case and remembers nothing of the crime.
truuuly scareyy
the quasi post-hyperpop sound will always be shocking and fun when it’s done right. this album (or mixtape I guess) gets a vinyl release in May according to rumors.
FFO underscores, clarence clarity
skins (uk) taught us all how it’s supposed to be when you go out to the club with your friends.
snow strippers, 2hollis, kurtins, bladee & ecco2k, overmono, etc.