Blue jays exist in all 50 US states. Despite this, they don’t have the honor of being the state bird of a single one. They are often looked down upon because of their noisy, harsh calls and their perceived “bullying” nature. Their boisterous calls often warn other songbirds of the presence of predators like cats and raptors - they even have a call that mimics a hawk’s screech!
The true bullies, unfortunately, are the highly invasive european starling. There are over 200M of those iridescent little fuckers today because one guy in 1848 decided that Central Park needed “The Birds of Shakespeare” and brought over about 100. I do love to see a starling but they are the true bullies, not our humble blue jay. Blue jays are also indispensable for the spread and growth of Oak trees, helping bring acorns growth to remote mountains and saplings to previously deforested areas.
Tl;dr blue jays are actually very precious to us and our environment and deserve more appreciation and respect. they are very cute, curious, and friendly. see image below of the blue jay that i hung out with for a good five minutes