There’s a learning curve involved (YouTube vids can help with that) but just hits better than coffee IMO. U can get everything including the Yerba on Amazon. Really good for fasting and gives you this wholes mystical feeling when drinking the brew (even at boring office like the pic I included) there’s even an emoji for it 🧉🧉🧉🧉🧉
I'm biased, but c'mon, try and tell me it doesn't hit the spot EVERY time.
Simplicity wins when the utmost respect is given to humble ingredients.
Sahten habibi!
My love for this man’s filmmaking is so profound it could bring me to tears.
Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers (1980) gave me more validation than I knew a film could. So much so I made my family sit down and watch it recently. My brother promptly ordered me the books mentioned in the doc. Feeling seen is never overrated.
Special mention to Innocents Abroad (1991) and Always for Pleasure (1978).