This book rearranged how I looked at the subject matter. Biggest argument it makes is: let's bring back class solidarity as a force for social change. Hopefully 2020 isn't as close as we come to that in our lifetimes.
Feb 13, 2024

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my man olufemi reads the social, intellectual, and economic elite for filth in this treatise on how identity politics (originally conceptualized as a means of bringing marginalized people together to organize and resist authoritarian hegemony) has been co-opted by said authoritarian hegemony to render marginalized people powerless and misdirect conversations we have about resistance to center "marginalized" elites as representatives resulting in a whole lot of talk and pretty much no action (as well as some historical alternatives) should be required readings for undergrads, twitter posters, "dinner with jay-z" proponents, and pretty much anyone who has ever asked "what the fuck is going on and why"
Feb 11, 2025
Read this book!!! “ ‘You have to give people who are new to this movement and to activism in general some way in.’ For some people, that’s going to a protest, or seeing a documentary, or reading a book, that gets them thinking, ‘Maybe I can do something.’ And so no, I don’t believe one person’s vote amounts to shit. But it can get people in the mindset of recognizing they can fight back against the Powers That Be in some way.”
Feb 10, 2024
Had a former English teacher recommend me this (we still get coffee hehe) and I’m not too far into it but it’s already made me think about race and conversations about race differently. I’m biracial and in the introduction, Diangelo actually talks about the “middle” and this idea of “saliency” in regards to multiracial people, and I *never* hear people talk about the multiracial experience, even if the author admits it’s too complex of a topic to cover in her book which primarily tackles the idea of white fragility. But I very much appreciated her saying that and I’m learning a lot from the book.
Jul 3, 2024

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