I drafted this earlier to post tonight and when I signed on, just saw that @tyler posted about Wellbutrin, so the wavelength seems even more correct to post about this. If you are in need and can find a trustworthy psychiatrist that you can collaborate with so that your experience doesn’t feel like a unilateral pill-push, I feel like the results can be excellent. I feel like the meds create a sustainable wave pool baseline and therapy teaches you how to surf. Meds aside, I also recommend some form of movement to move energy through the body. Getting enough sleep, going outside, eating enough, even if you need to have a smoothie or some nutritional drink, whatever you need to do. Trying new meds can def be a trial and error thing. In my experience, if you and your doctor think it’s a good idea, I recommend starting low and slow. If some meds feel too activating for you (like SSRIs, SNRIs), but you enjoy the benefits, they might be best paired with a mood stabilizer. For therapy, I recommend DBT, CBT, or IFS (Internal Family Systems). EMDR and Somatic therapy also seem very promising. It is important to mention that I am by no means a doctor, I have a high school diploma, and this is not medical advice, just a friendly rec.
Feb 15, 2024

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When I left mine after 6 months of much needed help with situational depression leaving an abusive marriage, I researched other efficacious methods. Meditation is as effective as SSRI's treating depression as it likely has a similar hormonal balancing effect. Therapy, talking with family/friends, talk therapy are all similarly efficacious treating depression as it seems we benefit simply from knowing someone cares. Please, I beg you, hang out together IRL and create friends and lovers judiciously and preciously (quality over quantity). Sleep deprivation is possibly the number one treatable cause of depression. Exercise and hydration will help with sleep hygiene and also have a hormonal balancing effect that lifts depression. Microdosing ketamine and psilocybin has been shown to be more effective than SSRI's with less side effects. Finally, many studies indicate a full dose of either can CURE depression. Research, find a druggie buddy (if you're not one) who can shepherd you with dosing and hold your hand during the trip if you're a novice and make sure you don't end up replacing the SSRI's with another drug crutch that you may seek to leave later. P.S. Many SSRI users will benefit from lifelong use. No shame in that at all.
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Apr 3, 2024
make sure you're looking into otc and prescription meds before you take them, I've learned that most doctors outside of psychiatrists don't know what medications they prescribe or reccomend can trigger mania or psychosis. when my dermatologist prescribed a steroid pill since my dermatitis was worse than usual, I became very manic and my psychiatrist confirmed it was the steroids. they can be found in nasal sprays as well, which brings me to where I am now I have a sinus infection and I know I can't get anything like that and my doctor won't give me a prescription anyway since I haven't been symptomatic for over a week, so I try sudafed. I make sure I don't take more than the reccomended dose throughout the day but when I'm trying to sleep I literally cannot sleep for more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time, if I get to sleep at all. when I get up in the morning, I see side effects like insomnia, anxiety, irritation, hallucinations, and some other things and alarm bells are going off in my brain and, sure enough, it's a stimulant all this to say, I'm okay and I'm calming down lol (plus I believe it was just hypomania since I didn't take it for days). I'm blessed enough to be self aware a lot of the time since I got my diagnosis but I know a lot of us aren't, so please, please, PLEASE, look into any meds you're taking, even if it seems silly. the thought didn't even cross my mind, especially because I was sick and delirious for like two days lol. and as well, the effects of medication like this varies from person to person, but we are at a higher risk and if it's something that could potentially trigger mania, I'd say it's better to be safe than sorry

Top Recs from @relaxing

When your cat comes to cuddle you and you’re like “wow, this bud really loves me
” then you look at the clock and notice that it’s almost feeding time.
Mar 5, 2024
The other night I fell asleep on the couch around 10:00 pm watching Joseph Campbell’s Mythos I. I woke up around 4:30 am, washed my face and brushed my teeth. This invigorated me to the point that I basically wasn’t falling back asleep, so I ended up looking up different brands of finishing salts for two hours in bed. Fleur De Sel and Maldon Sea Salts are not salts that you want to cook with, but that you want to sprinkle atop things as “finishing salts”. In my research I discovered that GuĂ©rande or Camargue fleur de sels are top brands to use. And with Maldon, the brand just called Maldon. I have Maldon sea salts and also Sal de Ibiza fleur de sel which is really good. It comes in a ceramic pot with a little spoon. I recommend both and you don’t need a lot, a little goes a long way. From Wikipedia: “Fleur de sel ("flower of salt" in French; French pronunciation: [flĆ“ÊÂ də sɛl]) or flor de sal (also "flower of salt" in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan) is a salt that forms as a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates. Fleur de sel has been collected since ancient times (it was mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his book Natural History), and was traditionally used as a purgative and salve. It is now used as a finishing salt to flavor and garnish food.” From Maldon Salt website: “What is special about Maldon Salt? Maldon Salt’s irregular and distinctive pyramid shape is what makes it so special. In addition to the unique tactile texture, our pyramid salt flakes release saltiness with sweet precision, bringing a clean and delicate flavour.” Some uses: Vegetables. Pastas. Meats if you do that. Watermelon or mango. A chocolate chip cookie, fresh from the oven, topped with Maldon sea salt. I linked Alison Roman‘s recipe above for Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies above. Warning: these cookies may horn you for life, and cause you to eat many. If you give them to people they’ll keep asking you to make them over and over again. Perfect trifecta of sweet but not too sweet, savory, and salty. A little toast with mashed avocado, sliced tomate, Maldon sea salt or fleur de sel on top. Can also serve with scrambled egg on the side with some Green Pepper Cholula on top (green flame emoji). A warm blueberry muffin, or toasted croissant (I pronounce this with an audible ‘r’) cut in half, some vegan (Miyoko’s, Earth Balance Soy Free) or whatever other (Kerrygold) butter melted in the middle, and a little fleur de sel or Maldon sea salt. Do you use finishing salts? What do you use them on? How do you love them? I try to watch my sodium but I’m a little bit of a salt guy in moderation. Don’t call me ”salt bae”. I’m only bae to one woman and one woman only, and that’s my wife, the most beautiful woman in the world.
May 5, 2024
It’s nice to let the afternoon sun come in while you relax in a soothing salt bath, maybe some essential oils, a lil masque. A little diffuse sunlight makes it nice.
Apr 24, 2024