Antidepressants have worked in the past to dig me out of acute depression, but my big monster is the anxiety. A daily beta blocker for the anxiety has helped me work on what I need to in therapy. A process still but getting somewhere.

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I started on lexapro which helped w acute depressive episodes and allowed me to do things that would actually make me happy (seeing friends, keeping my life in order etc). I have increased dose/changed meds a couple of times now, and I feel like things get better for a while but then a low to medium-grade depression kinda returns (to be fixed by dose increases or med changes again). Bc of this, I’m interested in making a sustained effort for a year to make good habits etc etc (+ psychology) which will help me be more resilient in myself, and then to come off them. Extremely helpful and necessary for me when I needed them 💓
Feb 15, 2024
- lexapro: first one ever, made me feel very flat and actually more depressed - wellbutrin: made me manic and possibly activated my bipolar disorder - prozac: sweaty and agitated - zoloft: sweaty and agitated - lithium: sleepy - seroquel: sleepy - buspar: didn’t work - lamotrigine: horrific - abilify: combined with zoloft + caffeine it felt like I took molly or ecstasy this was actually fun for me personally the best antidepressant was realizing I was using drugs and alcohol to cope, stopped smoking weed all the time, find a good match for a therapist, ate healthier, got a job that was fulfilling, get off social media, exercise, find a supportive partner (it’s all easier said than done but this truly does help)
Feb 15, 2024
I know some people have to experiment to find the right one I found mine off the bat I’ve been on them for prob 7 years I love them idk where’d I’d be without them That being said people do have really bad experiences just try not to let the stigma sway you in either direction Also give it time to work
Feb 14, 2024

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