My husband and I had thought a devoted pair of mourning doves come to splash in our pool while we swim laps because they recognized we are cool to hang with. Then we realized it‘s because they figured out the hawk that hunts from our roof wouldn’t attack them with us there. I hope they tell the bunny family we are stellar guards. I wanna whole coterie like a Disney princess.

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looking at animals around my house/neighborhood. its so cool that they live and even thrive, despite the suburban human’s attempts to eliminate them. That said I miss the chipmunk who used to come around and hope she comes back this spring/wasn’t eaten by a hawk
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ideally i would love to gain the trust and respect of a corvid 🐦‍⬛ they love to give and receive tiny gifts and i relate to that. goose and swan are also great options though a bit riskier since these guys can get mad as hell and those long necks are powerful i would also love to volunteer at a raptor sanctuary and help take care of falcons, owls, etc. i feel pretty sad and disturbed by most caged birds and having a parrot, for example is a massive emotional responsibility, their lifespans also mean it’s a lifelong commitment, i probably wouldn’t go this route but respect those who do it right 🫡
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