I watched this for the first time last week at a local spiritual center and it left me dumbfounded and in awe. what a feat; i was so moved, even with all the searing satire. typing all this out now stirs up all the sensations again... i don't feel the need to write much more here but this film means a lot to me already and i'm very grateful it exists. yes 2 cinema <3 yes 2 art <3 yes 2 theatre <3 yes 2 actors <3 yes 2 belief <3 yes 2 devotion <3 yes 2 risk <3 *a bonafide festival darling and swept the awards season that year, which is only refreshing considering at its core is the film saying fuck off to the industry at-large
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Feb 16, 2024

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This concert film is amazing. I've never listened to the Talking Heads before tonight. Sure, I've heard some of their most popular songs in other media, but I didn't know they were theirs until now. (Tragically, I strongly associate one of their songs to this truly annoying trailer for Downsizing (on account of which, I refuse to see it)). What a wonderful way to be introduced to this band. I've only seen two concert films: this, and The Last Waltz. The Last Waltz is a master class in documentation. This momentous show was happening once and Scorsese had one shot at getting right. And he and the crew nailed it. Incredible documentary. Stop Making Sense is the other side of the spectrum—cinematic. Extreme close-ups, dramatic lighting, movement...the camera is not an observer; it's a participant. I am floored how well exposed the 35mm film is despite frequent lighting changes, and how in-focus it is with all the energetic performances. And the concert itself...it borders on performance art. I'm enamored how extemporaneous the performances feel with what is obviously heavy choreography. I love, love how it starts stripped down and pretends to be built up on the fly. [EDIT] God, I forgot to praise the DIRECTOR Jonathan Demme, best know for SILENCE OF THE MF LAMBS![/EDIT] I've wasted a lot of breath on the visuals (just who I am). What I can say about the music is this: I am a fan. I will be listening more. As for Byrne himself, I'm a Big Fan. Not just his performance, or his music, but his enthusiasm for his band and the musicians he plays with. I love how he intentionally highlights every performer at some point during the show. And his obvious glee playing music with them. And even his appreciation the stagehands integral to the flow of the show. I gotta shut up now. Thanks gomizhou for inviting me to see this in IMAX. I thoroughly enjoyed it. royallmonarch wish you could have joined so you could have written this essay instead of me.
Oct 3, 2024
*Some thematic spoilers maybe? Beware* Still working out all my thoughts about this movie, it's kinda stream of consciousness atm but wow... All the magic and horror that comes out of media consumption amongst queer teenage suburban isolation... the simultaneous connection and disconnection from others through it. It also explores neurodivergence, queerness, asexuality, gender identity expression and repression, depression and sometimes suicide (ideation and attempts) amongst the backdrop of media consumption. It's all connected. Media as a portal to other worlds, a portal to other selves, a portal to a place where other people understand and you are empowered and you belong. Blurring the lines between the physical self and a digital projection of a desired self, and the euphoria and horrors that come along with that. All things I heavily relate to. This is very much a movie for Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A in the best ways possible. I think specifically for teens at the moment but also people who were teens not long ago. I wish this movie was there for me 10 years ago. I won't lie, there are a lot of corny moments as well and some over-use of visuals, but the messages override it all for sure. It's also important to note that the director Jane Schoenbrun is trans and goes by they/them pronouns. Being non-binary myself (among pretty much everything else I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph), this movie made me feel seen and understood. The music was amazing too!!! Alex G never misses!!! I loved the covers of Anthems and Tonight, Tonight, the fact that they're recent covers really brings us back to the present with a reflection of the past. Last thing I will say is I wrote a bit about Digital Doubles and Doppelgängers in my Communications program and now really want to explore that again because of this movie.
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i have never felt such simultaneous dread and awe. i will forever be in love with everything about this movie; a pace thats frenzying and cathartic, cinematography+directing inspired by italian neorealism, and performances that defy explanation. fundamental theater experience for my taste maturation and sparked my love for independent cinema exhibition.
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nothing short of a spiritual advisor. here he is illuminating a truth I believe we all feel to be true when down and out but often forget/neglect out of allegiance to self-pity or the traps of misery. this could almost read as a hallmark card quote, but it exists elsewhere...so by default, it is its own thing. I do not mean to be sentimental about suffering— but people who cannot suffer can never grow up, can never discover who they are.
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less attachment to identity markers and more-sensory driven living/being. staying conscious and in touch with our core essence and saying yes to life when the forces that be make it very easy to say no and cut ourselves off from others and the rest of the world. embodying this truth can ignite a sense of freedom and liberation that is a sexy balm...if you are into that kinda thing
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