every year I dread this season but wind up finding joy and feeling energized by embracing the snow and cold. A few years ago I visited Lake Placid NY, a town that revolves around winter sports (and still has these amazing relics standing from the 1980 Winter Olympics). skiing, ice skating, sledding, hiking in the snow, or layering up and going on walks help get through the shorter and darker days. It’s kind of amazing that rain turns into layers and layers of pure white, dampening sound and temporarily covering all the intricacies of the world. It’s so quiet out there. And when you come back inside you appreciate your warm lil corner of the world even more.
Feb 17, 2024

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having a winter activity to look forward to like skiing has done tremendous good to my livelihood in the winter. But this was, and continues to be however financially and logistically inaccessible for a lot of people. The default way through it is through collective communal gathering and bathe in fatigue. While it’s nurturing, how can you get the jitters out living in a city when the weather can be so alienating ?
where i live is cold and snowy. even in march. get a good (not necessarily expensive) jacket and good (not necessarily expensive) boots. once your equipment is right, you can experience the cold in comfort. take walks when its snowing or just after. appreciate the way all sound is dampened. set yourself little tasks, birdwatching or walking to get coffee. at the end of your venture, appreciate the comfort of finally coming in out of the cold, how much more inviting your space feels and the sensation in the flush of your face.
Mar 6, 2025
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There is something ugly and small about winter that I like. Perhaps because I was born into it. And there’s a stillness too. I feel it most when I’m back home in Nebraska leaving the bar at 2 a.m., warmed by old friends and tiny drinks. I walk to the car, snow crunching underfoot and, as soon as I’m alone, I stop. I stop and listen. I love that moment of quiet, blue desolation.  I do not handle the cold well. I am quick to shiver and my long johns don’t come off once they go on. So these moments of serenity are strange and precious. Something deep inside me quietly overpowers the elements and I feel some kind of inner peace. For this reason, I once made an igloo in our backyard and then laid inside for hours trying to fall asleep inside that feeling.  Winter birthdays are a challenge. What is there to do? This year I decided to lean in and seek snow since that’s become something of a novelty in New York. $500 and 120 miles later I had my squall. When I returned to the city for my actual birthday, it finally snowed, marking New York's first significant snowfall in 701 days. It was the perfect gift.
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