I have an MS in Business Analytics but now I study pelvic health, scar tissue and bodywork to health coach people with chronic pelvic pain. I used to work in finance. I took a lot of math in college for fun (really!) but wish I took more linguistics classes, also for fun. I also took a class called Aural Culture and one called Performing Wisdom. They have given me much information for how I want to live life! Study whatever you find interesting! You can change your career path literally whenever you want and everything you’ve learned before will serve you in amazing ways you can’t even imagine. Taking some business classes is good even though they’re boring because you gain a vocabulary that makes everyone think you know your shit even if you don’t. I was a 23 year old woman with almost no experience telling old white multi-millionaire men what to do with money because I gave confidence and had the vocabulary to be in that world. I’m so glad I left that world but the skills I’ve gained from having that past life have been instrumental in moving through the world with the confidence I have now!
Feb 17, 2024

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i love being an information sponge! it doesn't matter if the subjects have no direct connection to your chosen trade– by proxy of you learning about these topics, your brain starts making connections and allows you to think more creatively about how you approach problems within your life and maybe even your career field!
Oct 29, 2024
But you do. Great Courses are pretty awesome. Find a degree you don't want to / have the money to pay for but you wish you did and seek our their course guides. (Here is an example: https://library.bu.edu/gastronomyguides ) Read the articles . listen to the podcasts. Pirate the textbooks. Be a fucking whole ass person and explore your interests because life is complicated and beautiful and you deserve to exist in that space in a way that is gratifying and encourages you to seek more and be more.
Jan 23, 2024
From the title i think we already have an idea about where this post will lead to right ? Learning as a hobby is the best thing ever, no matter what you learn (from the different type of stones to how to build a successful business) it will always interesting to bring it to the table while talking with your friends or even be able to break the ice with strangers. To be able to make it a two birds one stone hit, we could mainly focus on what could hell us “survive“ on a daily basis. For exemple : - Financial education: learning how to budget, what to prioritise, the 24h hour rule before buying something, is it a need or a want, etc … - History : deep dive in the different paths human history is an interesting thing and if you analyse it enough you could even find “tips” that helps you in your day to day life — Buddha : genuine peace and happiness in simple life — Gandhi : how to deal with conflicts by staying calm — Mandela : understanding is better than revenge — Fall of the Berlin wall : perseverance leads to transformation etc … - Cultures in different countries : learn from other countries ‘ culture just like Japan and how they have a punctuality culture / discipline and routine etc … - Learning a skill : for exemple cooking but make it more fun, why japan use rise ? What was its signification in their history/culture, its nutrition value, how to make at least 10 dishes with rise etc … - Fashion : yes we can learn a “survival“ skill from fashion just like why such piece was created and how, learning to fix your ripped pieces as a form of anti consumerism And much more to learn ... :)
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