Card: -The Mind - card game where you act as One Mind and silently try to arrange cards numbered 1-100 w/o speaking. very quick simple and bonding Other: -name that tune - find a random ā€œguess the songā€ playlist on Spotify, hit shuffle, keep score!!! Video Games: -return of the obra dinn - maybe the best video game of all time, you solve the deaths of everyone on board a ghost ship. Super collaborative, actually stunning, perfect to play in a weekend! -unraveled two - you play two little guys made of yarn who are tied together and help each other get over obstacles. Made me cry!
Feb 18, 2024

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I heard this game on podcasts and have had fun playing it! Takes two people. To start, you each count down 3, 2, 1 and then say any word you want. Itā€™s key for you both to say them simultaneously. On the next turn, you each count down again and say a word that somehow relates to both words from the previous round. Keep going until you both say the same word! I linked an example
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My current addiction. Itā€™s kind of like a slot machine but you can get better at winning. Thereā€™s something about how distilled this game is. No narrative or world building, just the pure game mechanic and the tight rougelite gameplay loop. Kinda mathy because you need to do some multiplication in your head to figure out if your hand is gonna create a big enough score, but Iā€™m very sucked in trying to make the ultimate broken combination of cards/jokers. Scores potentially can get so big they need to be represented with scientific notation. I havenā€™t played too many other card builder games, though I did love Inscryption.
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My friends have this game called telestration that is fun. It is more fun if you play with people who are bad at drawing fast. You basically draw a prompt and then pass it to the person next to you and they write down what they think the drawing is. Then they pass it and the next person draws their guessed word. And it keeps going until it gets back to the original person and they read and present the results. I forgot if there are more rules than that. I also like the classics scrabble and yahtzee.
Oct 24, 2024

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tbffr: it is expensive, it is DISGUSTING. but! drinking this terrible elixir every morning has made a very very notable impact on my energy levels, digestion, skin, everything! I miss the way my body feels when I donā€™t take it.
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get Rajiv on PI.FYI challenge would LOVE his recs
insightful, mindful, practical, inspiring!!!!! s/o to Rajiv
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declaring youā€™re going into sport mode before you put them on makes the run even better
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