An absolutely demented, twisted, so-bad-its-good movie you have to see with your very eyes to believe. Anne Hathaway and Bijou Phillips star as two suburban rich girls obsessed with gangster culture. a train wreck that is almost impossible to turn away from. Be prepared to laugh from how uncomfortable it is. *not for the faint of heart*
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Feb 20, 2024

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Let me preface by saying my bf and I love to find the most camp looking movies on any platform and give them a go. Found this on Paramount of all places. It’s about “the first black serial killer” (all fiction) named Bitch Ass - because thats what they called him when they were bullying him. It’s so so bad but I was cracking up. Defo watch if you want to pass some time.
Feb 17, 2025
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i hate to say it, but you have to watch all three to really understand how bonkers these movies truly are. from a recycled cast to a black and white movie with just the poop colored, every detail about this trilogy is absurd. i can’t in good faith really recommend watching any of these; every time i watched one of these movies with a partner we broke up shortly after. trigger warning for literally everything too. the writers really wanted to strike every nerve they could. and im gonna be real. i could write essays digging into deeper meaning of these movies if i wanted to, but when it comes down to it, these movies are just fuckin gross and that’s what i love about them. they really “go there” every time and it makes for an uncomfortable and grimy viewing experience. whether that’s your thing or not really will make or break it. 2nd one is my fave, all more fun to watch with friends 🤍
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My favorite movie is Spring Breakers and I'm not ashamed of it. I make all my lovers watch it and they all hate it. Making people sit through an hour and a half of "Spring Break, y'all, Spring Break...." with Skrillex in the background is an incredible way to make enemies but also a good way to vibe check the people you let in your bed. House of Wax is excellent (Paris Hilton really makes it epic.) The Row with Lala Kent is another one I recommend. I can tell a lot about a person's capacity for empathy based on how they react to my terrible choices in movies. They gotta go if they can't vibe on my island of bad production and acting.
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Quite potentially (hopefully not) the last great smartphone size. As powerful as any other model on the market with the best hand feel. I’ll use this bad boy til its out of service.
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