i hate to say it, but you have to watch all three to really understand how bonkers these movies truly are. from a recycled cast to a black and white movie with just the poop colored, every detail about this trilogy is absurd. i can’t in good faith really recommend watching any of these; every time i watched one of these movies with a partner we broke up shortly after. trigger warning for literally everything too. the writers really wanted to strike every nerve they could.
and im gonna be real. i could write essays digging into deeper meaning of these movies if i wanted to, but when it comes down to it, these movies are just fuckin gross and that’s what i love about them. they really “go there” every time and it makes for an uncomfortable and grimy viewing experience. whether that’s your thing or not really will make or break it.
2nd one is my fave, all more fun to watch with friends 🤍