Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire. I’m not passionate about it - but I kid you not I think about it twice a week, and I frequently see little things that remind me of it. Was I there in a past life?
Feb 20, 2024

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I try to tell people about this all the time but I always forget the details. I sadly was not there but I followed the situation closely ..
Mar 20, 2024
Hard to tell if its a real memory or an implanted one but I think it was my 2nd birthday party and I had a stye and a cake shaped like a ladybug and I was going down a slide with my friends. If not that memory than for sure the memory of my first funeral at 5. I wore an itchy pink sweater and black skirt.
Oct 4, 2024
I have this very vivid memory of some time, around third grade or so, my family stopped on a roadtrip to check out a garage sale type thing in Virginia or West Virginia. I remember a kid about my age, he lived in the house we stopped at and I remember it feeling sort of like the edge of the world because it was on a hill, high above a valley. The grass was so tall and the ground, sort of maze-like, shown through the grass on paths of warm, dusty brown. The kid with a buzzed head, donning a white wife-beater (wife-lover, rather), I followed through the paths, exploring what felt like a big place. I wonder about them sometimes.

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Shoot! Sorry I missed your call, I’m in moon mode.
Apr 20, 2024
These are my favorite food (only slight hyperbole). I recommend, in no order: -Kettle brand -Kettle brand air fried -7/11 -Lay's Kettle Cooked These chips are so strong that they will burn your tongue. They are chemical perfection that make the systems in my body dance. They are so rock and roll. No matter what size the bag, I will probably finish the bag. I always eat the folded ones first, and then move to the unfolded ones.
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If you’re within an hour walk from home, you should just walk home. I understand taking public transit or an Uber there to be on time, but you’re not rushing to get home. Thus, walk.
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