i keep finding myself feeling embarrassed when i post a lot on this app, but im having fun!!! and the genuineness of humans in this weird little online community is filling such a void in me that began to stop believing that people really are Good and Kind. in other words, iā€™m grateful for everyone here and iā€™m going to keep flooding this silly little app with my silly little words
Feb 20, 2024

Comments (6)

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aw this is so real, I am lowkey so tired of all other social media apps that are just marketing things to me! I want reality!
Jan 15, 2025
Not at all! You're no imhellastupid (worse offenders, but I know my brotha gets my caustic humor šŸ™šŸ¼)
May 12, 2024
indianjones imhellastupid just called you out on a 2.5 month old rec damn
May 12, 2024
segronich Haha, where?! If that SAE Canuck ever comes to NYC, I'mhave him over for tea and crumpets.
May 12, 2024
indianjones maybe we should chill on the caustic reply-guy bit mr. yadav
May 13, 2024
imhellastupid Et tu, Yung Lean?! Though my goodness, you nailed White Man's Burden as I haven't seen in decades šŸ‘šŸ¼!
May 13, 2024

Related Recs

I love it here. If I donā€™t see my normal peeps for a few days, I start wondering where all of my friends are. Iā€™ve even met some beautiful people IRL!!!! I know I shared this on a post a while back, but it had been so long since I had Internet friends like this. I think that since this is not a photo or video forward app, it really helps with that. I like reading peopleā€™s thoughts. thank you for sharing them!
Jan 17, 2025
i know for a fact that iā€™m guilty of wanting that dopamine hit of having people see my posts and like them, but iā€™m trying to change my mentality around that here. iā€™m finding myself more at peace just posting my recommendations and taking solace that someone might find them in the future and enjoy what i suggest, rather than needing an instant gratification of a like. i feel as though iā€™m adding a brick to the communal building that is this cool userbase of interesting people.
Jan 20, 2025
Not out of fear of lack of likes or engagement. I mean, Iā€™ve just joined, but so far I think this app is pretty neat, in the sense that it doesnā€™t feel like a ā€œoh, Iā€™ve got to curate this thought or personal share until itā€™s whittled down and not actually *me* anymore - so that itā€™s more widely appealing or relatableā€ kinda thing yā€™know? Doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s about amassing followers, monetisation, or becoming an *influencer*. Pretty certain that everyone has had angry, dark, bitter, jealous, painfully yearnful, embarrassing moments and feelings. And the kind of thoughts that are ā€œnope, canā€™t say that. thatā€™s overshare territory babeyā€- or like thereā€™s that feeling of ā€œwould I want that being screenshotted?ā€ hanging over ya. I donā€™t feel disgust when Iā€™ve read others share those things on social media or when my friends confide in me, but I still feel shame for feeling them myself? How silly. One thought that Iā€™ve considered sharing on here, but yeeted into the void has been about my identity, erosion of sense of self, and self image. Existential dread, stential(?) dread. Which is, like, *yeah*, everyone (to scaled degrees, especially based on your race, gender, sexuality, class, ALL of the above) can probably relate to by virtue of existing in this shitty framework of a society where everyoneā€™s physical, intellectual, and material image is always going to be scrutinised. Which I know? But I still struggle with writing or articulating things like ā€œhey, Iā€™m *not* doing okay with this and I donā€™t know what to do about it. I donā€™t like where I am, but thinking about change scares me. Sometimes, maybe all the times, I donā€™t know who I am or what Iā€™m doing outside of the perception of others and that really fucking terrifies me.ā€ I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve deleted most other of my social media accounts and only really yap to my close friends about deeply emotional and intimate *struggles*. But I still feel like flinging things out there sometimes to strangers (which I guess Iā€™ve just done here lol). Itā€™s a different kind of vent release, a type that you donā€™t have to worry about extremely concerned follow up questions from friends or family haha. Or like, the feeling that even though weā€™re strangers from all over the place, we all share in the relatable struggles and joys of the human condition - whether through personal shares or *memes and shitposts* The candid pet pics are cool too tho
Jan 18, 2025

Top Recs from @segronich

im still going!
Mar 22, 2024
this does sound like spring 2022!
Mar 21, 2024
recommendation image
here are 3 of my most exciting pieces of lore: 1) my dad was in the south tower on 9/11 and he made it out, but was still in the building when the plane hit. the plane went through his office window, but he was already evacuating and on around the 40th floor when the plane hit 2) my paternal grandfather (jewish) was born in austria but his family moved to milan in ā€˜33/34 when hitler came into power. in ā€˜44 when the nazis occupied northern italy, his family escaped into the mountains northeast of milan near bergamo (he was about 13 or 14 years old at this point). his family helped smuggle guns to the partisans since they could speak german with an austrian accent and bypass nazi checkpoints. my grandfather had to shoot a fascist at one checkpoint going wrong, and so at 14 he joined the partisans full-on and lived with them until the war ended. i have a bunch of photos from his time with the partisans (attached some). apparently the group he was specifically with was led by this kinda crazy guy who threatened the security of the whole partisan operations, so he was actually killed by other communist partisans. a few years ago i found a man who researches this exact group in bergamo, and now i have an 80 yr old italian pen-pal who published some photos of my grandfather in his book. 3) my maternal grandfather was orphaned really young in cuba and was really poor. he met my grandmother when he saw her riding her bike down the street and instantly fell in love with her (yes, just like cinema paradiso). she was really rich and her family hated him, so he would wait outside her window just to see her. eventually they get married and have my eldest uncle (because love always perseveres). this part of the story is fuzzy, but i believe he got into some gambling issues and so my grandmothers family shipped him to the US (probably with hopes of getting rid of him for good). but he began to build a life for his family there. then the revolution happened and he continued to go back and forth, but then castro put in the policy that children born in cuba had to stay, so they moved to nyc permanently. but my grandfather loved castro, as most cubans did. so my family is not part of the typical exile cuban-american demographic, which i always found fascinating.
Feb 19, 2024