I’m reading my first horror novel (Pet Sematary) and am really enjoying it! Perfectly spooky so far and while I’ve always said I don’t enjoy horror, books are the way to do it because I can consume it at the pace I wanna- something scary about to happen and I’m not ready? I can walk away until I am. Very slay
Feb 21, 2024

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Since probably middle school I never really read for pleasure until this February when I read Carrie and for some reason came to the realization that books can be fun and since have read about 20 books this year a good handful of which have been Stephen king books and obviously I knew about Stephen king like culturally but I feel like a good amount of the conversation around him is negative for some reason and after reading and watching his work and listening to him speak I don’t really understand why because I think he is a fantastic writer and in his interviews he just comes across as such a nice interesting guy All the books I’ve read of his have been scary but they’ve also been fun but now I’m about 2/3 through pet sematary and theres really no fun elements whatsoever and I think it is such a fantastic sad scary disturbing book that I feel like everyone should read it, I can’t put it down It will make you cry though so be prepared for that Also I haven’t seen the original movie but the more recent one I saw and remember liking actually so im excited to watch the original after reading
Jun 21, 2024
I didn't know this book existed before I purchased it. I'm a slow reader so I don't read that much and this is my first Stephen King novel. I'm only about 25% through but it's really something.
Jan 23, 2024

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I was going through the Ignatian approach to education today (adapted from the Spiritual Exercises for those keeping track at home) and this tenet is just so good. St. Ignatius says that a person, “ought to be more eager to put a good interpretation on a neighbor’s statement than to condemn it.Further, if one cannot interpret it favorably, one should ask how the other means it. If the meaning is wrong, one should correct the person with love; if this is not enough, one should search out every  appropriate means through which, by understanding the statement in a good way, it may be saved.” This is very Hanlon’s razor (never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity/ignorance) and I just feel like having a curious posture like this is a major slay and makes us better people
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