it’s so satisfying to finish the daily crossword puzzle, it will make you feel like the hottest and smartest bitch alive. besides, you’re gonna be on your phone anyways might as well be better than everyone.
I live and die by the comfort of the NYT crossword app, yes you have to pay for the full sized crossword, but life is silly so why not be silly with it. I pull it out at solo dinners, planes, drinks, coffee, whatever. Enjoyment may vary.
The success of my day primarily relies on how well (or more often than not, badly) I do on my crossword. At the moment I am loving the NYT app on my phone - it also offers a more accessible ‘mini’ crossword, as well as the wordle.
However, now and again I’ll buy a copy of the New Yorker, flip straight to the last page, and do a physical crossword over an oat milk flat white - my slice of paradise 🥰
fr a game changer for the pedestrian girlies. public transport is chaotic and unpredictable in my city, i’ll do anything to not ride the bus except learn how to drive lmfao
anyways check if your city or state has an ebike rebate/credit program or petition for one! it’s good for you and the environment, and you’ll look cute as hell.