Alright boys & girls & all people, we have entered that small window in the northeast where you want to wear a long sleeve t-shirt or jacket or hoodie, but you also want to wear shorts. As the (unofficial) sovereign & all-knowing harbinger of getting cute little fits off for™️ (working title btw) I am approving all outfits that make this combo work for the foreseeable future. It doesn‘t even have to look good because it just feels good.
Ladies, let’s keep it classy please. Remember: modest is hottest, or something.
Boys, we’re in the 3” inseam category rn. You need to look like you’re about to run a sub-5 minute mile. You need to look like a few misteps might cause a peep show. I’m talking 75% of thighs are out on display.
You might read this and go “Wow Mariano that seems very misogynistic of you” — false, it’s reverse psychology. Keeping the creepy male gaze off of the ladies and instead giving them something to look at, like how we all have been gawking at Paul Mescal’s tiny shorts + shredded thighs combo. Don’t ever say I’m not a feminist.
(Hey this is like HEAVILY laced with sarcasm which I’m sure 80% of you will read and understand but the 20% that won’t…please it’s a joke please laugh )