The other day I went to a coffee shop with the intention of reading my book but instead spent about two hours writing in my journal.
I’m not a great journaler. It’s the kind of relationship where I’ll pick it up when I’m going through something, be really consistent for a couple days, and then once I’m feeling lighter I won’t touch it for months.
I’m definitely not in the easiest season of life right now, but im not actively shittingscreamingcryingthrowingup about anything at the moment. For some reason though, despite my mentally “up” state of being, I was desperate to write down everything I’ve been thinking and feeling in the past couple weeks.
I honestly think it’s why the past couple days I haven’t posted anything on this app is because anything I would’ve mused about I already wrote in my journal lol. I even considered just taking a picture of the journal pages and posting them here but that felt too intimate? Maybe?