My pipes are so cold that all my water is pre chilled. Pour it into a glass, drink about half of it, refill to the top, walk away... nuff said. #GulpNation
I have this problem where I'm never thirsty until I'm so thirsty it's a crisis, and when my parched alter ego arrives, I can't have a straw or a twinge of cold getting in the way.
Method: drinking the water QUICKLY and immediately refilling the cup (the ice from the first round hasnt melted). Then you get to savor the second glass before you fall asleep :) #realgulpers
You can learn so much about what’s going on when you’re not there. It’s fun to speculate about what made them. The snow is good for keeping records of things
Sometimes all I want to do is have someone listen to me talk about it. It’s not realistic though and it’s annoying. When I write in my diary and I read it back over it feels like someone is listening