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it is astounding how much i adore everyone i know o my goodness <3333 i think i must have started this like,,,, over 5 years ago & every time im bored or sad i go & read back over it all & hav a little giggle
Feb 9, 2024
I feel like a lot of the time me and my friends never remember what someone said, just how hard it made us laugh. So if it’s REALLY funny, I’ll quote them in my notes. So whenever someone says, “do you remember when ____ said/did this” I’ll search their name and find it, instead of us blanking for 10 minutes. Pros: It makes me feel like a friendship historian. it’s definitely improved my memory/recall ability. and it also feels good to remind them that I care about the things that they say.
Jan 25, 2024
recommendation image
I wrote this piece last year comprised of different texts that I found at various points and have been sitting on for I don’t know how long. 5-10 years, maybe. I’m really happy with it so I wanted to share it here with the recommendation to always keep this special mysterious stuff you find stored somewhere. Rip it from YouTube and dump it into G Drive, copy paste it into Notes, create a desktop folder of loose miscellaneous material, record a voice memo, or at very least WhatsApp a link to a friend so there’s a record of it. I know that if I react to something then I will invariably at some point be struck by the memory of reacting to it and will be furious at myself if I can’t find it again. It is always satisfying when you eventually figure out a purpose for whatever it is, otherwise you will enjoy the enigmatic frustration of it until you die. Win win. 
Feb 22, 2024

Top Recs from @kpeck

nothing short of a spiritual advisor. here he is illuminating a truth I believe we all feel to be true when down and out but often forget/neglect out of allegiance to self-pity or the traps of misery. this could almost read as a hallmark card quote, but it exists by default, it is its own thing. I do not mean to be sentimental about suffering— but people who cannot suffer can never grow up, can never discover who they are.
Feb 13, 2024
less attachment to identity markers and more-sensory driven living/being. staying conscious and in touch with our core essence and saying yes to life when the forces that be make it very easy to say no and cut ourselves off from others and the rest of the world. embodying this truth can ignite a sense of freedom and liberation that is a sexy balm...if you are into that kinda thing
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Feb 6, 2024