This might sound weird/complicated and it’s gonna run a little bit long but it’s saved me a lot. Hotels pretty much set room prices wherever they want so they maximize their profit. which is why you’ll see so many varying prices on different saving sites at different times. They’ll kind of just throw out whatever will sell, especially to someone in a rush. Sites like Expedia get a commission percentage when they help sell a room that the hotel wouldn’t have sold on it’s own. The hotels definitely prefer to be paid upfront and fully. So I usually use Expedia because they find lower deals and also non-refundable deals (works best if you know for sure you’re making the trip) and then I’ll call the hotel directly. Hyatt, Hilton, Marriot, and many more hotel services have a price match guarantee. They’ll match the lowest price you find(cyclical because they made that price lol), but they’ll give you 20% off or more of your total reservation and more amenities or points, all to encourage booking direct. And either way you’ll end up getting the LOWEST price theyre willing to book for. This does take a little more work and depending on who you run into, they might give you a hard time but there are forms online for price matching on the hotels site that are easy to fill out, but I usually find that calling the reservation line direct makes for a better deal. It’s a little more work for a better experience.
Feb 26, 2024

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It's boring but I usually either book with the hotel or through Expedia
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VRBO also. If you search up the name of the property company or find the owners social media page/website you can book from them directly and save yourself like 30% on fees and such. Its how I score fat deals on my trips. but don't tell anyone, my friends wont have a reason to invite me on the trips if they know how to do it themselves
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heard good things about finding a last minute spot- might be worth a shot! they have an app so it has to be legit right
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