Many years ago my friend Nico and I used to watch these videos Isaac Mizrahi made where he'd answer fansā€™ questions. A lady in the Midwest was like, ā€œI live in a small town where nothing stylish ever happens, and I need a new look.ā€ Isaac was like, ā€œHereā€™s what youā€™re gonna do. Youā€™re gonna find the most expensive hairdresser in your town, youā€™re gonna give him all your money, and youā€™re gonna let him do whatever he wants to you.ā€ I think that is the best advice Iā€™ve ever heard. It has really stuck with me even though Iā€™m not a lady, Iā€™m not from the Midwest, and I donā€™t need a new look.
Feb 27, 2024

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allocating more than just a few pinterest ideas and aesthetics in order to curate a style that youā€™re confident in will make you stand out. whether you think thatā€™s a good or bad thing, by ā€œstand outā€ i mean people catch a glimpse of you and immediately know who you are based on how you dress. thereā€™s nothing wrong with going with a trend if you like it, but itā€™s so painful to see people consume for the sake of consumption. i mean thatā€™s a concept for a whole other rec in itself, but what iā€™m trying to get at is you donā€™t need to constantly use outfit inspo pics for outfit inspo. seek your surroundings, ponder your past, think about yourself as a piece of art, which you ultimately are. donā€™t avoid wearing the statement piece that a stranger would find weird, theyā€™re probably just pissy. dress the fuck up on days you donā€™t need to just for the hell of it. and remember, donā€™t get discouraged if the first ā€œcrazyā€ fit you throw on looks like shit. it takes time to make art! and if you feel comfortable and beautiful in simpler articles, and youā€™re not into anything too bold or loud, still make it your look. art doesnā€™t have to be complex, but make each choice have purpose. why choose one blank white tee over another? is it a specific hue of white? does it compliment other features of your outfit? is it comfy as fuck? show that to people and make them know itā€™s you. you donā€™t need to dress to impress, but god if you bought that shirt only because your favorite influencer promoted it, or even worse if you bought it just because it was on a sale rack, youā€˜re disrespecting your canvas! itā€™s like pissing on a van gogh oil paintingā€“ it might look amazing but you canā€™t help but think about the fact that thereā€™s piss on it. that brings me to probably the most widespread concern of consumers: cost. yes, higher quality products are going to cost more. itā€™s difficult in such a dense place like SoCal(where iā€™m from) to find cheap ANYTHING. i split a dozen dumplings for $20 the other day with a friend and i swear i couldā€™ve called 911 on this food-influencer-aimed ā€œchineseā€ restaurant for highway robbery. food was pretty good tho canā€™t lie. however, that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s impossible to find incredible clothing from staple secondhand stores like Goodwill. several friends of mine have landed at their unique styles that can be associated directly to them, and their closets are mostly filled with Goodwill Bins finds. ā€œohhhh the Bins are so dirtyyy eewwwwā€ yeah if you canā€™t dig through some used clothing for a while donā€™t complain about not being able to afford those $600 shitstained acne jeans. i mightā€™ve gotten a little personal with that. lmk your thoughts on fashion and what it means to you! you know what fuck it just wear sweatpants a sweatshirt and flip flops lifeā€™s not that serious
Oct 1, 2024
I have thought about this at length, I fear. I want to look and feel at ease in my clothes and I shop for clothing very intentionally. For me the rules of outfits are: - No single-designer looks - Steam/press rarely - No logos (sneakers are the exception) - Always wear at least 1 garment with visible wear or damage - Get dressed intentionally every day - It does not matter how conventionally flattering the look is. I care only about how it makes me feel in my body - Never clean Ur (my) shoes except to keep leather in condition I shop almost exclusively second hand and in personā€”I only buy if I would be heartbroken to come back for a garment to find it had passed me by forever. Most pieces I see are effectively one-offs because I treat them this way. I am attracted to Japanese workwear silhouettes, modular garments, and drama. ā€œMyā€ colour is the shade precisely between yellow and orange. All my jewelry is gifted. I aim to keep garments until the end of their lives.
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dress with intention and do everything for your inner child. my 15-year-old self would fucking love my style today. everything is so algorithmic these days and everyone dresses the same. define your own style identity outside of online influence. look through film, music, old magazines, fashion books, and find people/runway collections/characters whose styles resonate with you. study how people throughout history have communicated with their style. (start with lil' kim!) journal about your style journey throughout your life and think about why you dressed the way you did and how it made you feel. ask yourself how you want to dress moving forward for where you wanna go in your life. study runway collections and learn about the designers' intentions with the stories they're telling through their creative work. when you finally purchase a piece you've appreciated for years instead of impulse-buying a bunch of fast fashion clothes, it's so fulfilling. styling is a skill and you'll continue to develop it throughout your life. it's a journey, not a destination.
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Feb 27, 2024
This morningĀ my friend Camilla texted a photo of me wearing sneakers to dinner last night and I was just like aw man ugh. I looked like a dork. I think itā€™s because, now that Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s, wearing ā€œdad sneakersā€ isnā€™t a style move. Theyā€™re just sneakers. Please delete that photo, Camilla. I will wear my real shoes next time.
Feb 27, 2024
My favorite young musician. The photographer Jason Nocito took me to see an Ekkstacy show in Brooklyn last year and it blew my mind: punk rock that incorporates all the best parts of Soundcloud rap (which itself borrows heavily from emo and punkā€¦ the circle is complete). Stacy has insane charisma, songs that are built like battleships, and miserable lyrics like ā€œI walk this earth all by myself / Iā€™m doing drugs but they donā€™t help.ā€ And ā€œsometimes I wish I was dead.ā€ Perfect.
Feb 27, 2024