Wes Anderson wrote it best when he said "its the smells we finally don't forget" (or something like that). No better, nostalgic, melancholy rush than when a random coffee smells exactly the same as one from your favorite cafe from years ago. Or when hand soap at a restaurant smells just like her. Such a crazy experience and I cherish each time it happens
Feb 27, 2024

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Smell is better at making you remember than any other sense. A simple scent can make you feel that your grandpa is standing near you on the subway platform, can transport you back to 7:58am running late through the halls of your high school, and even inspired Proust to write an entire reflective novel on childhood after smelling a madeleine (Swann's Way), and by writing this inspired researchers to study the phenomenon.
Sep 12, 2024
if i smell something i smelt a lot years back, i get sooo nostalgic. i remember deodorants i used in summer 2021 and everytime i smell something even just similar, i get catapulted to that year. also music for example. i find some playlists here and there i made years ago and i get so nostalgic about hearing those songs i havent heard in a long time.
May 2, 2024
I think our sense of smell is one of the most beautiful things about our bodies. You can find me standing in a pine forest, huffing cardamom, taking pics of soaps in restaurant WCs, getting a headache in the fragrance section of the bespoke homegoods store. Some art incorporates smell, such as paint that effuses the scent of shoveled soil or an orchestra accompanied by scent cannons firing plumes across the audience, but I cherish this intangible gift of ours because it’s one that mass media can’t reach. It’s amazing that it’s connected so closely to our memory -- that you can smell a cologne or the inside of a tent and instantly hallucinate a school dance or a family camping trip you forgot about or, at the very least, didn’t mean to think about so vividly today. I know this will sound privileged and silly, but as a relatively young person my biggest fear from the pandemic wasn’t death — it was losing my sense of smell. I just know that it’s something I would miss so much. It enhances taste and experience and I would go crazy without it. here is a very incomplete list of things I think smell good: -tomato vines -Shoyeido friend of pine incense -garlic, raw and cooked -anise -palo santo -coffee, raw and cooked -armpits (lemme get in there) -briney ocean -tennis balls -old lifejackets -bergamot / patchouli stuff from L:A Bruket
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Saying ‘I’m going to my room’ is so mundane and I’m never going back to it
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like actually going out and trying things. put in an effort and take pride in that (being effortless is soooo out for 2024). use this platform to find new amazing things! you can never really know what you like and what brings you joy and fulfillment and all that cheesy stuff unless you actually go and really try a bunch of stuff. I love trying!
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