one of the most misunderstood pokemon. a pokemon tragically disliked for its uselessness, people forget that with the love and care it can evolve into a strong gyarados. an obvious metaphor, but still really simple enough to appreciate.
Umbreon - my fav
Darkrai - pointy
Yveltal - big hands
Overqwil - pointy
Arbok - cool snake
Poipole - just a little guy
Drapion - sick af
For the aesthetic of the gym: think Sharran temple from Baldur’s Gate
bc it’s what I originally wanted when I first went to college at 17 but I was scared to make writing my job and got a B.S. in Nutrition instead lol
Now the goal is an eventual PhD in Victorian Literature but I’m just happy to have made it through this part at 32!
Stacked is everything I read in my English courses—barely pictured are the 5 stuffed accordion folders of other reading materials under my chair haha