weekends depend on what i did last night and whether i have plans that day... sometimes you just wanna be in bed for absolutely too long i've started waking up a little bit earlier because i have been doing morning pages; 3 (ok often it's only 2) pages of handwritten stream of consciousness brain dumping every day before doing much else. i definitely recommend trying out morning pages, but lately i've been taking too fking long to finish them because i'm on that phone
Feb 28, 2024

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that is, free writing 2-3 pages right when you wake up. i am spiritually, psychologically, creatively transformed by morning pages. you think it’ll just help you creatively but i feel much less in my head and more out in the world after dumping my thoughts out onto the page.
1d ago
I am typically slow to rise and I don’t have a commute for my job, so I use two hrs of downtime on weekdays to have a slow breakfast, clean up, go outside and sip on coffee before work - I might do some duolingo or journal/make a checklist for the day weekends I’m up by 9 and scrolling in bed for a bit before forcing myself up for a meal. I’m overall very happy with it but I think coffee is forcing out some anxiety in me that doesn’t always feel great - I do not recommend that part
Feb 28, 2024
during the week, my alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, somewhere between 6:00-6:30 is when I actually get out of bed depending on how up and at em I’m feeling. Once i’m up, I hop in the shower, get dressed n stuff, I make sure my cat has food and then I go make myself breakfast. I like to open the blinds, let the sun in, play some ambient music on my living room speakers, and try as much as possible not to look at my phone. I need my chill slow morning time to be at peace. if I woke up right at my alarm, I’ll brew fresh coffee (french press) and make a nice egg scramble with an english muffin. If I’m in a hurry I’ll do moka pot or just get the extra coffee from the last time I brewed a batch from the fridge and have greek yogurt with granola. while I eat, I’ll sit at my kitchen counter and have some dedicated screen time on my laptop to check socials so I’m not tempted to be scrolling on IG the rest of the day. trying to leave bad screen at home. after I have breakfast, if I have time i’ll take care of anything around my apartment that needs doing (dishes, laundry, cleaning the cat litter, etc) and then brush my teeth, freshen up, then head out and start the morning commute (usually around 8-8:30 depending on if I need to be in office at 8:30 or 9). I also fill up my YETI mug with homebrew coffee and take it to work with me so I’m not buying coffee out all the time. the morning commute is when I put on some more energetic music to hype me up, or if I’m in a rush I’ll play some calmer music to not stress about traffic to. whatever the vibe I need. then I get to the office and wage slave for 8-9 hours, but at least I got a good night’s sleep and a good morning’s breakfast to get me through 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Jan 13, 2025

Top Recs from @sloane_shark

sincerity is cool, caring is cool, you are all cool
Feb 28, 2024
the first thing to be said is that this recommendation applies equally to everyone the next thing to be said is that you have, inevitably, been suffering from a cocktail of depression and anxiety for more than a decade, and this has made you incredibly tired what you need is to make NYE plans with a good friend you haven't seen in years; she will bring you out to the club and it will be fuckin rad; you'll buy some cute clothes and she'll do your makeup, despite these not being things you really ever do, and you'll forget how much you typically disdain your appearance for one night next, you're going to have to just read for awhile, books and essays and youtube comments and text messages after enough reading, you'll have your own thoughts and questions, and you'll inevitably see someone else asking the question "am i trans?" reading this question will naturally lead to you asking yourself: "am i trans?" the answer is yes at this point, you have transitioned into a girl, and everything else is just showing off; decide on a new name; get a therapist and a doctor who are supportive; pump your body full of the hormones it needs; get some cute new clothes and burn your old shit; ask for help picking out and doing your makeup stop treating your body like a shipping container for your sad brain; transform it into the hot girl your brain already knows you are
Feb 28, 2024
a bitch is divorced (positive) and got her name changed for free
(amicable) divorce hearing today and i am very anxious please send me good energy
Aug 8, 2024
Aug 8, 2024