that is, free writing 2-3 pages right when you wake up. i am spiritually, psychologically, creatively transformed by morning pages. you think it’ll just help you creatively but i feel much less in my head and more out in the world after dumping my thoughts out onto the page.
1d ago

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I tried this for a bit but isn’t the artist’s way like a religious self help book? it kinda took the credibility out of it for me
1d ago
@JOE_M_MILLER i dont mind that its a religious self help book :p
23h ago

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weekends depend on what i did last night and whether i have plans that day... sometimes you just wanna be in bed for absolutely too long i've started waking up a little bit earlier because i have been doing morning pages; 3 (ok often it's only 2) pages of handwritten stream of consciousness brain dumping every day before doing much else. i definitely recommend trying out morning pages, but lately i've been taking too fking long to finish them because i'm on that phone
Feb 28, 2024
Started a new habit where I wake up and immediately read a few pages of my book instead of getting lost in my phone for those first minutes of the morning. Makes me feel more balanced and accomplished as I start my day.
Mar 25, 2024
on waking write 3 pages of stream of consciousness and get some protein and calories in you body for a functioning brain and body. That’s what i try to do everyday (although I often get sucked into my phone first, and it’s almost impossible for the stream of consciousness writing to happen when I do, it really cuts off that post sleep brain action!). I do it while drinking a peanut punch that contains lots of protein and calories because I’m awful at breakfast and you just gotta pack in protein and calories to keep it all running.
Mar 28, 2024

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I have to take myself on a walk or I’ll get the zoomies late at night I have to drink water even tho I’m like a cat and can go days without it… I have to eat more than pasta and pastries or I’ll feel decrepid I have to be stimulated or I’ll binge real housewives til my eyes hurt… I’ll be anxious, feel negatively towards loved ones, and think of existential reasons I feel the way I do but for the most part these unmet necessities underly my agonizing condition
Jan 3, 2025
superior N/A bev. why get a mocktail when this hits every time….
Nov 23, 2024