digestible cultural theory! In the Swarm: Digital Prospects is my personal favorite
Feb 29, 2024

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A tight, quick read about the digital panopticon we all find ourselves in. Some really interesting work about outrage culture featured as well
Feb 7, 2024
you know when you read good theory (or good anything really) and then you canโ€˜t help but see further examples of whatever is being explored in the book IRL? This book is giving that to me. From Van Gogh immersive experience yoga to Uber eats, speed and immersion dominate so much of how things are delivered to us these days- whether thatโ€™s food or art. The intro is really compelling. How Kornbluh connects the dots between immediacy in the sense of NOW! as well as the more hidden meaning of the word as without mediation. I saw a meme recently that showed future generations watching react videos of react videos of react videos which certainly speaks to this mass cultural wasting of the practice of mediating. The mission this summer is mediation. come at me raw universe, Iโ€™m ready to think about ya and spit out feelings or something.
Apr 29, 2024
I really enjoy Byung Chul-Han have recโ€™d it somewhere on here before - I would start with The Burnout Society or Psychopolitics. He writes a lot about labor and mental health and data. some of the big ideas heโ€™s proposed - data and neoliberal economics/governments have transformed and expanded the effects and our understanding of capital and labor - the fast paced, tech driven society we live in creates a landscape of psychiatric disorders. they arenโ€™t caused by a deficit in our bodies and minds but an excess of positivity. the demand to succeed and fight failure and work efficiently might be burning us out or making us sick - we are becoming self exploiters and class struggle is beginning to include the struggle against oneself to achieve and reinvent oneself
Apr 8, 2024

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