This is how music was meant to be listened to. I miss life before Spotify with my iPod that had my fav artist‘s discographies categorized by album all waiting to be consumed as a whole piece of art. Our attention spans are getting so bad—an album requires time and patience and allows for a deeper satisfaction.
Try listening to one whole album a week! It’s great.
Just sit down and listen to an album from start to finish, the way it was meant to be heard. I love a good playlist as much as the next guy, but the joy of listening to a full album as intended by the artist/band is amazing.
It's a lost art. You can always tell when an album is just a collection of songs (which is encouraged by streaming) when albums should feel like books and songs should feel like chapters. They're best in context!
Delicious and protein packed. Why save the refried beans for the next time you get a them right now!! with some rice! with your eggs! Refried beans are my favorite form of bean ode to refried beans