Really got in the habit of only listening to playlists as of recent but wow there's something magical about a whole album! Feels so undiluted

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Just sit down and listen to an album from start to finish, the way it was meant to be heard. I love a good playlist as much as the next guy, but the joy of listening to a full album as intended by the artist/band is amazing.
Apr 21, 2024
This is how music was meant to be listened to. I miss life before Spotify with my iPod that had my fav artist‘s discographies categorized by album all waiting to be consumed as a whole piece of art. Our attention spans are getting so bad—an album requires time and patience and allows for a deeper satisfaction. Try listening to one whole album a week! It’s great.
Feb 29, 2024
Instead of putting on a playlist I like to queue 3 albums back to back like I live in Olden Times (pre-streaming era)
Jan 28, 2025

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