Getting really into them rn in a way that is so confusing to me.. loving and wearing gourmand perfumes just goes against everything I thought i knew about myself which is kind of beautiful actually. We can continue to surprise ourselves every day :) I think vanille 44 may have been the gateway drug😲 I’ve been loving kyse perfumes frangipane al pistacchio. I must say that mixing is controversial but i put it on with some Gaiac 10 this morning and liked it, feel like the nuttiness goes well with the gaiac and the gaiac tones down how sweet the frangipane becomes especially after an hour or so. I think I like trying this perfume genre that seems to be looked down upon by “serious“ people. Also the kyse bottle labels are so bad they‘re good... I’m kind of obsessed lol
Feb 29, 2024

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Obsessed with perfume. For a while I was searching for a signature scent, but then the hunt just became too much fun, and now I’ve ended up with a full on vanity tray in my bathroom piled with a different smell for every mood. I used to wear only China Rain, a rollerball scent my mom got me in high school from a perfumery in LA called Spiritbody. I still have a bottle of that, but when I wear it I’m transported to a more insecure time lol. Right now I love Shadow in the Water from Diptyque for when I want to smell clean and romantic. I wear Smudge by Heretic almost every day because it’s colder out and it makes me feel so warm and cozy, like i’ve been sitting by a fire all day, and like I give good advice and paint landscapes. Perfume is definitely a splurge, but it lasts for so long, and I think it’s really special to have a beautiful scent that people can recognize you by. I am going to gatekeep my secret combination of Byredo perfumes that I wear constantly, and I’m sorry about that. It’s just too good and too me.
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going out to any perfume-selling store and smelling whatever looks interesting, talking to the people working there and hearing their expertise - maybe even leaving with a tester.. brightens my day every time. just today i found out i love vanilla-ish perfumes!
Feb 24, 2024
recommendation image
Although I have a pretty extensive perfume collection — around 200 bottles, plus hundreds of samples and decants — for the last several years I've only worn a handful of them on a regular basis. Lately I've found myself gravitating to older and vintage scents, particularly classic Guerlains (Jicky, Mitsouko, Shalimar) and Caron (Yatagan, Caron pour Homme). Often dismissed as "old lady perfumes" (which is both ageist and misogynist!) they're the best examples of perfumery as high art I know. There are decades-old vintage samples out there if you know where to look or get lucky at an estate sale, but even the contemporary reformulated versions are more interesting and intricate than 99% of what you'll find at Sephora or even a niche shop like Luckyscent. I'd much rather smell of something that would have been familiar to Proust (that would be Jicky, a spiced lavender-vanilla considered to be the first "modern" perfume and one that has been in continuous production since it was released in 1889) than Santal 33 or whatever Maison Francis Kurkdjian everyone else is wearing.
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Couple on the w train fully dressed in visual kei style you looked sick
Feb 15, 2024
From a refrigerated water filter for me. so its really cold #gulpnation sorry!
Mar 6, 2024
As someone who is maybe 2ish connections removed from the situation Im assuming you may be referring to… I am so deeply sorry 💔 hope you know that there are many strangers out there who are rooting for you and think you deserve to be happy and treated well, despite being strangers … As someone who has been through a lot of heartbreak, the advice already given in previous comments is really great . I think in my experience, having 1 or 2 friends that you know really love you and get you, that you can spend time with even if you are really sad and not contributing much, was helpful. If you feel the need to talk about your feelings try to keep it to those people, or a journal. Once you start to feel a little better going out with more people and being more social can really help remind you of what is valuable about YOU.. what YOU enjoy and bring to the world.. Above all it helped me to remind myself that life is going to go on. You will move on, no matter how long it might take. It might feel like the worst thing in the world but i promise you will get through it. It’s just a matter of time :) be kind to yourself while time passes. I cant emphasize enough how deeply I have felt so heartbroken I thought I couldnt go on. Multiple times. Yet here I am.. and you will be okay too ❤️
Mar 3, 2024