a delightful sci-fi audio drama about a mysterious diner that travels through time, space, and occasionally dimensions!!!!! incredibly well written, acted & produced - but especially acted. there are some moments where someone’s voice/delivery will just scratch my brain so perfectly <3333 also the characters feel sooo real…… aND it’s very found family heavy!! u can never go wrong with a bit of found family
Mar 1, 2024

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This program (available on Netflix) centers around a diner in Japan that's open from midnight to six a.m. and the stories of the people who visit it. The show is both interesting and meditative — each episode is self-contained, so you can pop it on any time, take a break for a couple of weeks, and it'll be there waiting to embrace you like a warm hug.
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Probably my favorite show of all time. I sleep to it and dream to it. The visuals are so wild and eccentric but fitting for the overall story and you can't really tear your eyes away. While the main content is like a podcast exploring different things like religion, death, meditation, etc. If that sounds like something you'd be into then for sure check out the show! To me it's a kin to a big warm hug coming from an extremely wise wizard.
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romanticise ur blunders & ur missteps, bc that is just part of being a creature. if u saw a duckling fall flat on its face and scramble 2 its feet u wouldn't judge the freakin duckling, u would think it was the cutest thing ever. because it is. we r just organisms in big ungainly bodies, and that is part of our charm. tripping over ur own feet is maybe the most adorable thing u can do. like awwhh u tripped on the pavement </333 this extends 2 social interactions 2. messaging exes that u miss them, making a joke that doesn't land, mishearing/not knowing/forgetting something, etc??!!?! SO SWEET. genuinely such wonderful & important & adorable things 2 do. i think this is maybe the best thing i've ever managed 2 train my brain 2 do. it isn't foolproof but it makes life a lot gentler.
Feb 5, 2024
just about everything that happens to you will be interesting to your future self/your descendants/archaeologists. immortalise your to do lists, shopping lists, packing lists, things that loved ones say, things that strangers say, the phrases you hear that would make a good band name. brainstorm what to do on the weekend, list your cravings, the songs stuck in your head, transcribe birdsong, etc. i track my periods & my finances in my journal. sometimes if i really want to take a photo of something i'll restrain myself and draw it in my journal instead. sometimes i take notes for uni in there, or draft sewing patterns, or sketch when im bored. journals are self-portraits!!!!!!!
Apr 21, 2024