Sheā€™s has been my best friend for about 8 years and she is genuinely the most important person in my life. She is so immensely compassionate and full of love to give. She is always able to find something to love in everyone, even the most unlikely characters, and she actively chooses to see those traits in people above all else. Sheā€™s an artist above all else. One of the queerest bitches I know, so sexy, so full of rizz. She has extremely based politics and would trust her opinion on aaaaalmost anything (we have our disagreements about food JAJAJ). She has a very complex, personal music taste that is very private and I have gotten to know very slowly over time. Sheā€™s studying architecture and tho this is one of the banes of her existence, I think she loves it. Her attention to detail in everything in life is CRAZY: she is very sensitive, observant, and really really really smart. This also means she is insanely good at everything she does. She knows a lot about a lot of things so itā€™s impossible to get bored talking to her. Everyone likes Aurora and she is the kind of person where if someone doesnā€™t like her, thatā€™s a red flag about them. Also everyone wants her because she is so charismatic and dances so so so fucking well. We have dated twice in the past, broken up for circumstantial factos, and currently have a bit of a very queer non-monogamous arrangement where we like to be flirty and sexy eith each other, but we have no interest in dating and we actually have been in multiple relationships since our break up. We have learned everything together and I hope to continue to be able to learn and grow next to her forever.
Mar 2, 2024

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