They must’ve made this song in CRISPR. It is genetically engineered to send a shiver up your spine multiple times and cry from how perfect it is. If it had come out 20 years earlier it would’ve been what Natalie Portman played for Zac Braff in Garden State
this entire album ... beautiful. perfect !!!
favorite lyrics: it takes all of my restraint / not climbing in your cranium / to observe the way the furniture's arranged (from when you know you know)
There are many examples in the Screaming Females discography, but this one gives me chills every single time. It's not until ~2:40, but she really works up to it in other sections of the song, so it's worth listening to the whole thing for the full effect.
A master at writing genre fiction as literary fiction. Multiple narratives, stellar characters, a time-hopping, pre- and post-apocalyptic plot, and a killer miniseries adaptation to watch once you’re finished
I only saw her perform twice, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else live more than once (though I obviously would like to see a lot of them live again). At least I can say one of the times I saw her was her very first US performance 🥹💔