You have things that are wilting, crying out to be used. I had a slightly soft turnip, carrot, bendy celery, and scallions that we’re getting a wee bit slimy. Brown the vegetables that can handle it (the root vegetables—don’t put your alliums 🧅 yet) Then add the softer stuff, celery, onion, leek, whateva. Big bomb of garlic and Rosemary, if you have it. At this point I add a base that I use for a lot of soups and such which is tomato paste and miso (bc I never have stock on me). And whatever spices you think go. Paprika and cumin. Can of chickpeas. Mash like 1/3 of them for thicker soup base. If you have a hardy green like kale, chop it up, toss it in. if your greens are not Hardy, add later. Some tomatoes, canned peeled. (TIP: do NOT add the sauce from these canned tomatoes, save it for later or something, it’d simply too powerful and will cover up the tastes.) Water — enough that some will evaporate and you’ll still have enough soup in the pot. and salt, a good amount bc vegetable soup needs it and if you’re like me haven’t used stock.. Let boil, then simmer Like 20 mins. Taste. MAJOR: apple cider vinegar and W sauce puts this shit over the edge !! You can toss in some pasta like ditalini if you want. Grown up alphabet soup. I actually do not cook the pasta in the soup bc it fucks up the water levels, make on the side and then add imo. Ok enjoy :-)
Mar 5, 2024

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take your biggest pan make a couple stock cubes worth of chicken stock or vegetable stock or whatever misc jumble of stock cubes you have in the cupboard the only thing you REALLY need is an onion, a can of tomatoes and stock cubes. dice your onions and think about how you got here scour the fridge and the cupboards. anything boil-able is jumble soup-able. cabbage, carrot, broccoli, corn. I've used old stir fry bag mix whatever is in there!!! take it out fry your onions (one time I added sliced three day old bacon with the onions and it was yum). add your stock. add your veggies. boil, boil, boil bubble just guess how long it'll take. add some instant noodles maybe? maybe a handful of pasta? how hungry are you? probably Very as per usual boil boil boil add canned toms add ANY seasonings I mean any. paprika and chilli and left over fajita mix usually does it for me jumble soup! all the bits you didn't want before made warm and yummy
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Top Recs from @sed_paz

Oh god!!!! lentils!!! You can eat them for days in a variety of ways Sauté onion, celery, carrots or PARSNIPS Get some tomato paste and MISO mixed and melted Cumin, paprika, curry mixes Lentils, a cup? Salt obvi Water, enough to cover and then some (you can always add more) Bring to boil, cover, reduce check water levels now and then. should not be soupy, not dry, just a lil saucy wetness Taste W sauce, rice vinegar Taste, chefs kiss? I eat with a side of lemony arugula and topped with an egg dotted w hot sauce Can also reheat the next day, add a bit of goat cheese, make salad w arugula, pass out ur so healthy and amazing and tasty
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You really want ur man plotting and scheming for fun? Thinking three moves ahead ?
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I made one for summer (kayak, eat corn!) and forgot to make one for fall+winter. Gonna do a spring bucket list (planting, marshy hikes b4 it gets ticky). Doesn’t have to be on theme even but it’s a nice way to engage in the fleeting seasons
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